Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blog post 4 ese

"You ever seen a real-live horse horse before you got here? I step back a few feet "Nah. I live in the city." He laughs. "This is the city." I role my eyes. "This ain't no city. This is like... I don't know what. It's crazy, all I know."
 This basically explains the entire book. Cole is stubborn and tries to act tough but everyone knows what he is really feeling. His father tries to set him straight by giving him straight answers and not beating around the bush. This helps my reading experience because this gives you a good taste of the main character's personalities.

If the main character lived in the world I lived today, he would probably hate it. A city kid all of a sudden living in the rural environment of South Deerfield. He would probably get bored alot like I do, there isnt much to do here, so i cant imagine him having a good attitude with the situation.

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